Hyso Biz
Turms and Conditions

Turms of Use

Welcome to the www.hysobizmarket.com website. We may provide you with a variety of resources, such as news and information about HysoBiz Company, your account information, the ability to communicate electronically with HysoBiz Company, and access to services and information available from time to time on or through the Website services. 


1- Every one must be follow the rules and regulations of company and bylaws of the government of Pakistan.
 2- Upon acceptanc of this application agreement the person shall be come an HysoBiz's affiliate member with the right to sell the products offered by in according with the compensation plan and statement of policy which may be amended and changed from time to time by the concent of company.
 3- The affiliate will be a Independent Business Owner (IBO) not an employee of company.
 4- For further clarification of this agreement does not create any relationship with employer and employee, Frenchiesee, agency, partnership or joint venture between IBO and company.
 5- The IBO is not the agent of the company for any purpose whatsoever and has been given no power of athority to insure any debit, obligation or other liability on behalf of company.
 6- The IBO has been carefully reviewe company's ethics, rules and regulations, and compensation plan and acknowledged, and agreed to abide by the same by singning this agreement application.
 7- The IBO may cancel the agreement any time upon prior written notice to company.
 8- Products and registration fee are absolutely non refundable and non replaceable after sale and services.
 9- HysoBiz is the bridge up between retailer or whole saler to ultimate consumer, the company also recognize that an IBO may wish to purchase products on reasonable price for there personal or family use or resale to end user.
 10- The IBO acknowledged that he/she is wholly Solly independent and as such will,
 a. Abide by the all bylaws of government of Pakistan's rules, regulations, pertaining to this agreement and or holding, selling, distributing, or advertising of company's products.
 b. The IBO's at the own expenses, make, execute, and file all such reports and obtain such licenses as or required bylaws or public authority with respect in this agreement. 
 c. Be solely responsible for declaration and payment of all taxes which occurs because of IBO's activities in connection with this agreement.
 11- IBO will require prior written approval from company,
 a. To advertise company's products or use company's contacts, information, corporate Logos, Marks, or identification.
 b. For any printed material distribution regarding company's products.
 12- The company may immediately terminate this agreement with the IBO for any just cause which shall include with limitations any action which discredits company's name, violates any requirements contained within this agreement, company's policies, proceeder, ethics, rules, regulations, training materials or labels.                               

13- We reserve the right in our sole and absolute discretion to terminate, modify, or suspend your access to the Website, Content or Services at any time (for any reason, or for no reason). In particular, and without limitation, we may terminate, modify, or suspend your access to the Website, Content and/or Services upon your non-compliance with these Terms of Use, and, if you are a distributor of HysoBiz Company, your Application and Agreement (the " HysoBiz Company Agreement") or if you violate our rights or the rights of any other party.


Our Privacy Policy is incorporated  into, and made a part of, these Terms of Use.